在我装修自己家时,发现了一位极棒的木工师傅(南通人),他做事认真,态度诚恳,我想跟大家介绍他。 I found an excellent carpenter when i was doing my own house design. He came from NanTong city(lots of good carpenters there), he does his handmade piece of work in heart and a very honest attitude. I would like to share him to people who need any wood work.
其中有一件作品-酒吧, 放了2张图片比较一下3D及真实作品。 there is a wine cabinet has 2 pictures on it, let you compare the 3D one and his real piece!
他收费合理,以选的材料及零件不一,图中的每一样作品会放上价钱做个参考价! He charges with a seasonable price, depends on the wood and other material you choose, i will try to put an approx. price for those items, so you have an good idea for similar piece.
注:他也可做室内装修(有自己班底) PS. He can handle the whole interior design project.(he has a team members too) cheers and enjoy it!!